Mary Blake: A Nasty Novelette - Sam West

Fifteen years ago, Casey Brown and her college friends did something very, very bad to an innocent girl.

What really happened to poor Mary Blake that night?

There are whispers in the woods that surround that old abandoned house. Urban legends are repeated, and sightings of their usual suspects are sworn on – by a friend of a friend of that guy’s second cousin who knew a dude who swears they saw ‘He/She/It’ one dark, and stormy night. Bloody Mary, the Slit-Mouth Woman, Click Clack, the Slender Man… they aren’t the only boogeymen in those woods…
People say that the house is haunted by it’s original owner… The things that Mr. Jones did to his wife and two daughters went way beyond ‘slaughter’ – the depravity of his actions makes the family’s eventual slaughter a blessing.

Now, Casey’s nightmares are invading her waking life.
Mary Blake is back, and she’s not alone.
Only the truth will set her free.

You can still find MARY BLAKE, and other titles by Sam West, for #free on Amazon with your Kindle Unlimited plan – FOR NOW.

Find MARY BLAKE: A Nasty Novelette on Amazon, Goodreads, BookLikes, and LibraryThing.

Find SAM WEST on Amazon, Goodreads, LibraryThing, and BookLikes

